Portfolio Category: Illustrations

Product Explorer

Corteva launched in 2019 in what can be considered a 20,000 employee start-up.  Because of the nature of how the company was created and its long history prior to 2019, there was not an expansive intranet to help communicate information throughout the org.  Each department (HR, Accounting, Business Units, etc) had their own various sites

UX Icons

Building a new discipline in an organization requires a substantial amount of assets for presentations and other materials.  Although I was beginning to build out a team, I did not have illustration specialists and it fell to me to source stock illustrations or create them myself.  I decided on the latter and produced a large

Operating Model Illustration

With the launch of a new company, Corteva, comes a new operating model.  I was asked to create an engaging graphic that would convey the IT op model in a memorable way.  I chose a floating earth style with each segment of IT represented as one of our seed products.

Political Overwatch

Sometimes designers need to create something outside their day-to-day projects to try a new technique or just have a bit of fun.  This is neither.  I was locked in a basement and told to put together this concept to save my family. I love the style of the Overwatch game and artwork, and wanted to

Icon Illustrations

I’ve frequently needed icons or illustrations for projects that were unavailable from various stock sites.  Either the general concept was too niche or the style of the icons/illustrations didn’t match the project I was working on.  I don’t consider myself an Illustrator, but I didn’t usually have room in the timeline to contact and work

Sustainability Banners

Summit Energy asked that I create simple expandable banners for a tradeshow they were attending.  Utilizing core brand elements I had created for the client, I was able to design some compelling deliverables that managed to attract substantial attention at the trade show.

Presentation Illustrations

I’ve frequently needed icons or illustrations for projects that were unavailable from various stock sites.  Either the general concept was too niche or the style of the icons/illustrations didn’t match the project I was working on.  I don’t consider myself an Illustrator, but I didn’t usually have room in the timeline to contact and work


The early 2000s were evidently filled with company names that used camelCaps!   Anyhow… MetaArcade was a sub-site of GameTap that focused on old arcade games that could be played in a browser.  This concept was developed to convey that idea through the website structure.

Ding! App

Ding! is a simple app created in-house by my agency that lets you painlessly create multiple timers.  Ding! was focused on just one thing: simplicity.  It was featured on the iTunes app store under “Noteworthy Apps” in October of 2011.

Energy Burrito Blog

I’ve had some amazing clients in the past, but this is one of the best.  This client asked me to create a blog for energy management news.  But not just a typical blog.  They wanted it to look like a Mexican restaurant website and they were calling it “Energy Burrito”.

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